PT. Samator is a company operating in the gas industry in Indonesia. PT Samator is holding a Campus Scouting activity which aims to provide insight to students who have passed the internal University Internship selection in the field of Techinque sustainability about the world of work at the company. Apart from that, a cooperation agreement was also signed between the Diponegoro University Vocational School and PT. Samator TBK which was attended directly by Mr Octavianus Santoso as Technical and Sustainability Director of PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk. This activity was carried out to open up opportunities for Vocational School students to gain work experience in the gas industry.

This Campus Scouting activity was carried out in the Hall Room on the 4th Floor of the Astra Building, Diponegoro University Vocational School. The event went well where participants were introduced to the company profile of PT. Samator Indo Gas Tbk. This material was delivered by a team from PT Samator, who provided a general overview of the company’s history, vision and mission. Participants were also given information about career opportunities at the company. Then the presentation of the material was delivered directly by the Technical and Sustainability Director of PT. Samator with the aim of in-depth understanding of company operations, the technology used, as well as the company’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.