In Rembes Village, Bringin District, Semarang Regency, some roads still do not have street lights. This is because the location of the road is far from people’s homes so there is no electricity source that can be used for street lighting. Even though this road is the main road that becomes access to the village. This condition is felt to create vulnerabilities that can lead to crime. This obstacle can be overcome by using solar cells as street lighting, where the lamp does not depend on a voltage source from PLN. The lamp works by utilizing sunlight during the day.

The sunlight will be converted into electricity which is then stored in the battery. This electricity from the battery is then used to turn on the lights at night. Solar cells are an alternative for street lighting where electrical power is supplied by sunlight. This lamp uses a Solar Module with a life time of up to 25 years which functions to receive sunlight which is then converted into electricity through the photovoltaic process. The photovoltaic system works on the principle of the photovoltaic effect, namely the emergence of an electric voltage due to the contact of two electrodes connected to a solid or liquid system when opened in the sun.

To fulfill the duties of lecturers in the field of service, several lecturers from the Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program, Vocational School of Diponegoro University, including Yuniarto, ST, MT, Ir. H. Saiful Manan, MT, Arkhan Subari, ST, M. Kom, Priyo Sasmoko, ST, M. Eng, Tito Bobot Pamungkas and Lambang Galih W, intend to install cell photos as automatic switches for street lighting installations in Rembes Village, District Bringin, Semarang Regency The determination of the location of the extension was based on the consideration that the majority of the villagers already use electricity, but there are still roads that do not have street lights because they are far from settlements. In fact, this road is the main road that becomes access to the village. To overcome this, it is necessary to install street lights that use electricity from the sun, which does not depend at all on a voltage source from PLN.