K3 Certification Activities organized by PT Adhikriya Kualita Utama (AKUALITA) Followed by Industrial Electrical Engineering lecturers which were held for 12 days starting from August 1 to August 12 aimed at providing K3 experts in Industrial Electrical Engineering.

What is K3?

K3 which stands for Kesehatan and Keselamatan Kerja an important thing in a company. Not surprisingly, almost all companies are required to implement these K3 requirements. K3 applies to all types of companies with certain criteria; no longer just big companies like oil and gas, construction and manufacturing projects, mining.

General K3 Expert Certification

This General K3 Expert Certification aims to be able to prepare K3 experts in the company, so that it can help develop K3 in the workplace. There are at least three institutions that have the right to issue general K3 certificates, BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi), LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi), and Kemenaker (Kementerian Tenaga Kerja). 

Why Must Have Certification

K3 certification needs to be owned by professionals in the field of K3 as well as employees or appointed company personnel. The purpose of this investigative incident training activity is to understand:

  • The Loss Causation Model thinking framework as the basic cause.

  • The incident approach and the merits of investigation from the point of view of improving company performance.
  • Incident reporting mechanisms and stages of Incident investigation, as well as coordination and cooperation of the investigation team.

  • Able to conduct investigations to find evidence at the scene of the incident.

  • Able to analyze the basic causes of incidents and make recommendations for corrective actions and performance improvements.

The BNSP Certification Competency Test is conducted for one day and can only be followed by training participants who have met the competency test requirements. Meanwhile, the BNSP Certification competency test materials according to the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards include:

  • Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) in the field of work

  • Identify K3 hazards and risks

  • Analyze and evaluate K3 risks
  • Participation in accident investigation
  • Develop analysis of K3 information and data, as well as reporting and documentation processes