Meeting of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

Meeting of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

The meeting of the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program discussing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Strategic Plans (Renstra) is usually conducted as part of efforts to improve the quality of education in the study program.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measures used to evaluate the extent to which the study program has achieved its objectives. Each study program has different KPIs, depending on the goals and vision of the study program. KPIs usually cover several aspects, such as student satisfaction levels, the number of successful graduates entering the workforce, the quality of research conducted by faculty members and students, and so on.

Strategic Plans (Renstra) are long-term plans formulated to direct the study program towards achieving its predetermined goals. Renstra covers various aspects, such as curriculum development plans, faculty development plans, facility development plans, and so on.

In the meeting of the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program discussing KPIs and Renstra, topics such as the achievement of KPIs in the previous year, plans to achieve KPIs in the current and future years, evaluation of the implementation of Renstra in the previous year, and the preparation of Renstra implementation plans in the current and future years are discussed.

Meetings like this are very important to ensure that the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program can continue to improve the quality of education provided and achieve its established goals. As a result, graduates of this study program can have high competencies and be ready to enter an increasingly competitive job market.

The Accreditation Activity of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

The Accreditation Activity of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

Program accreditation is an evaluation process carried out by an accreditation body to assess the quality of a study program at a higher education institution. The accreditation body will assess various aspects of the study program such as the curriculum, faculty, facilities, research and community service, as well as the quality of graduates. The results of this evaluation will determine the level of accreditation for the study program.

Program accreditation is very important to ensure the quality of education provided by higher education institutions. Program accreditation also serves as a consideration for students in choosing a study program that aligns with their interests and talents, as well as for companies in selecting qualified job candidates.

In Indonesia, the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) is the accreditation body responsible for assessing the quality of study programs in higher education institutions. BAN-PT conducts evaluations and accredits study programs in all higher education institutions in Indonesia.

The accreditation for the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program was conducted with Assessor 1 Dr. Ir. Lie Jasa, M.T. from Udayana University and Assessor 2 Drs. Syafrizal Syarif, S.T.,M.T. from the State Polytechnic of Jakarta.

Industrial Electrical Engineering Performance at the Diponegoro University Vocational School

Industrial Electrical Engineering Performance at the Diponegoro University Vocational School

The performance achievement of the Applied Bachelor Study Program (STr.) Industrial Electrical Engineering based on data on the 2022 Quality Assurance Score in a 5-year score was 194.53 and based on the 2022 Strategic Plan IKU was also quite encouraging, reaching 84.55%. Likewise with verified performance achievements of 96.3 and the results of the audit got results of 98.

Blended Curriculum

Blended Curriculum

Blended Curriculum is learning that is supported by an effective combination of different methods of delivery, teaching and learning styles and is found in open communication between all parties involved with the training. As for the advantages of using a blended curriculum as a combination of direct teaching (face-to-face) and online teaching, but more than that as an element of social interaction, that is :

  1. There is interaction between teacher and student
  2. Teaching can be online or face-to-face
  3. Blended Curriculum = combining instructional modalities (or delivery media),
  4. Blended Curriculum = combining instructional methods

The benefit of using e-curriculum as well as blended curricula in today’s world of education is that e-curricula provide flexibility in choosing the time and place to access lessons. students do not need to travel to the place where the lesson is delivered, e-curriculum can be done from anywhere, whether they have access to the Internet or not.

The Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program of the Vocational College of Diponegoro University applies a Blended curriculum by implementing an internship program in collaboration with Sapta Indra Sejati Company (ADARO Group) which will be held starting on September 5, 2022. Later, after graduating, students who have carried out internships will be appointed as employees of  Sapta Indra Sejati Company.

Visiting Professor and Guest Lecture Series-3

Visiting Professor and Guest Lecture Series-3

The Visiting Professor program is one of the programs that Undip can rely on to improve the quality and quantity in various academic fields, especially education, research, and innovation by inviting guest lecturers from overseas universities who are ranked QS 100 as a Visiting Professor Program lecturer to become a Visiting Professor Program lecturer. one of the programs that Undip can rely on to improve the quality and quantity in various academic fields, especially education, research, and innovation by inviting guest lecturers from universities abroad who are included in the QS 100 ranking as guest lecturers.

The Visiting Professor and Guest Lecture Series-3 activities which were held on Monday, September 14, 2022 by Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Ph.D. which was moderated by Mr. Ir.H.Saiful Manan M.T. with the theme “ADVANCED MICROWAVE REMOTE SENSING FOR DISASTER MONITORING” which was attended by Students, Lecturers and Educational Staff of Industrial Electrical Engineering, Undip Vocational College.

Prof. Josaphat ‘Josh’ Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Ph.D. born June 25, 1970 who currently holds the position of Full Professor (permanent staff) at the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan and as a visiting professor/lecturer at various universities, is one of the patent holders for microstrip antennas (disc-shaped antennas with a diameter of 12 centimeters and 1.6 millimeters thick) which can be used to communicate directly with the satellite. Inventor of circularly polarized synthetic aperture for drones and small satellites, and 3-dimensional weather forecasting radar.