Electrical Power Certification for Technical Personnel in the Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program.

Electrical Power Certification for Technical Personnel in the Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program.

The electrical certification conducted by several educational personnel from the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program aims to demonstrate that they have fulfilled certain requirements in the field of electrical power. The certification process lasts for three days starting from March 10th, 2023. The occupational position taken is “Mid-level Operator of Low Voltage Electrical Power Utilization”.

The electrical certification that is being carried out includes basic knowledge and skills in the field of electricity, including installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical equipment. In addition, this certification can also cover an understanding of regulations and safety standards related to work in the field of electrical power.

Assistance for Website Development to Improve Bilingual Website and Webometrics Ranking at Faculties/Schools in Diponegoro University in 2023

Assistance for Website Development to Improve Bilingual Website and Webometrics Ranking at Faculties/Schools in Diponegoro University in 2023

The Bilingual Website Training at Undip refers to the process of training or teaching in website development and management that can be used in two different languages. This training is provided to the web development team and existing website administrators at Undip who are able to operate in two or more languages.

Mr. Alkomari, S.Sos, M.I.Kom. as the speaker provided guidance on the proper procedures for creating news so that the presented news can be enjoyed by readers, such as:

  1. Learning the basic techniques in developing a bilingual website, including selecting appropriate structures and designs, configuring languages, and managing content in two or more languages.
  2. Learning how to translate and manage content in different languages. This involves an understanding of cultural and linguistic differences, as well as localization techniques necessary to present relevant and meaningful content in a local context.
  3. Introduction and use of CMS or content management platforms that support multi-language, such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. Participants will learn how to set up and manage content in several languages using an appropriate CMS.
  4. Learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies for bilingual websites, including the use of keywords in different languages, setting up SEO-friendly URLs, and other SEO tactics that focus on optimizing websites in multiple languages.
  5. Introduction and use of dynamic content management tools that can facilitate content management in multiple languages, such as managing news articles, blogs, or product pages that are regularly updated in various languages.
  6. Learning testing and maintenance techniques necessary to ensure that the bilingual website functions properly and that content is displayed consistently in all supported languages.
Meeting of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

Meeting of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

The meeting of the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program discussing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Strategic Plans (Renstra) is usually conducted as part of efforts to improve the quality of education in the study program.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measures used to evaluate the extent to which the study program has achieved its objectives. Each study program has different KPIs, depending on the goals and vision of the study program. KPIs usually cover several aspects, such as student satisfaction levels, the number of successful graduates entering the workforce, the quality of research conducted by faculty members and students, and so on.

Strategic Plans (Renstra) are long-term plans formulated to direct the study program towards achieving its predetermined goals. Renstra covers various aspects, such as curriculum development plans, faculty development plans, facility development plans, and so on.

In the meeting of the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program discussing KPIs and Renstra, topics such as the achievement of KPIs in the previous year, plans to achieve KPIs in the current and future years, evaluation of the implementation of Renstra in the previous year, and the preparation of Renstra implementation plans in the current and future years are discussed.

Meetings like this are very important to ensure that the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program can continue to improve the quality of education provided and achieve its established goals. As a result, graduates of this study program can have high competencies and be ready to enter an increasingly competitive job market.

The Accreditation Activity of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

The Accreditation Activity of Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program

Program accreditation is an evaluation process carried out by an accreditation body to assess the quality of a study program at a higher education institution. The accreditation body will assess various aspects of the study program such as the curriculum, faculty, facilities, research and community service, as well as the quality of graduates. The results of this evaluation will determine the level of accreditation for the study program.

Program accreditation is very important to ensure the quality of education provided by higher education institutions. Program accreditation also serves as a consideration for students in choosing a study program that aligns with their interests and talents, as well as for companies in selecting qualified job candidates.

In Indonesia, the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) is the accreditation body responsible for assessing the quality of study programs in higher education institutions. BAN-PT conducts evaluations and accredits study programs in all higher education institutions in Indonesia.

The accreditation for the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program was conducted with Assessor 1 Dr. Ir. Lie Jasa, M.T. from Udayana University and Assessor 2 Drs. Syafrizal Syarif, S.T.,M.T. from the State Polytechnic of Jakarta.