The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia has made many parties make various efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, one of which is by spraying disinfectant liquid in public places that often have direct contact with humans. Disinfectants are substances or processes that kill germs on inanimate objects. Germs can be viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause infection and disease. As reported by, most disinfectants contain harsh and toxic chemicals. So it is forbidden to use it on the skin or body of humans or other living things. Hydrogen peroxide is a common ingredient in antiseptics and disinfectants. However, the concentration is lower in antiseptics than in disinfectants. Another substance that is often used in disinfectants is sodium hypochlorite. The active ingredients which are also commonly contained in this bleaching liquid are effective in killing viruses, bacteria and fungi, 10-60 minutes after being sprayed on hard objects.

Due to limited resources, not all public places or facilities are regularly sprayed with disinfectant. Through the service program mechanism, lecturers of the Industrial Electrical Engineering study program at the Undip Vocational College include Dista Yoel Tadeus, ST, MT, Fakhruddin Mangkusasmito, ST, MT, Ari Bawono Putranto, S.Si, M.Si, Drs. Eko Ariyanto, MT and Drs. Heru Winarno, MT, proposed the manufacture and installation of a tool in the form of a disinfectant booth to be operated in a public facility, namely Banyumanik District. People who come will be directed to pass through the disinfection booth before carrying out activities in the Banyumanik District. The goal is to minimize the potential for the spread of the COVID-19 virus in public facilities.

This community service activity has been successful and has been completed. The disinfectant booth unit and its supporting components have been handed over to the Banyumanik sub-district office through the sub-district head directly. Currently the tool is operated and used to disinfect the clothes worn by people who come to the Banyumanik sub-district office. This was done as an effort to minimize the potential for the spread of COVID-19 in public areas, especially at the Banyumanik sub-district office.