From May 27th to 31st, 2024, a group of faculty members and administrative staff from the Electrical Engineering Vocational School and the Faculty of Engineering at Diponegoro University (Undip) participated in a training and certification program organized by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) for Electrical Safety Experts.

The event, held at the Undip campus, was attended by more than twenty participants from various units within Undip. The training aimed to enhance understanding and skills in occupational health and safety, particularly in the context of electrical work.

The main speakers for the event were Mr. Nashruddin Anwar, ST, MT, and Mr. Sumanto, ST, MT, IPM, both experts in their respective fields. They delivered comprehensive presentations and provided valuable practical insights to the participants.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Nashruddin Anwar stated, “Occupational health and safety are crucial aspects of any electrical-related activity. Through this training and certification, it is hoped that participants will raise awareness of the importance of safety practices in their daily work.”

Mr. Sumanto added, “With this BNSP certification, participants are expected to be recognized for their competency in electrical safety, thereby making a greater contribution to maintaining safety standards in their respective work environments.”

Participants engaged enthusiastically and actively participated in discussions and hands-on activities conducted as part of the program. Upon completion of the training sessions and examinations, successful participants will receive certification as Electrical Safety Experts from BNSP, enhancing their professionalism in the field of occupational health and safety.

It is hoped that this training and certification program will serve as a starting point in improving safety standards within the Undip community and will have a positive impact on industries and society at large.